Our Lawn Care division specializes a professional lawn care service that offers the finest in quality lawn, in the same way we attend to your pest control requirements for over 22 x years.
STEP 1: PH-Testing – Testing ph in soil and water to ensure optimum results.
STEP 2: Lawn Insect Control – Application to clear out the various destructive Insects, such as Mull Crickets & Harvester Termites as needed throughout the year.
STEP 3: Aeration – Greatly improve your soil’s structure and ability to grow a quality Lawn. Annual aeration treatments reduce thatch build-up and improves lawn Density.
STEP 4: Fertilizer – Properly timed granular feedings to promote thick, vibrantly green Grass with a vigorous root system.
STEP 5: Weed Control – Ongoing tailored applications to get rid of over 40 common Lawn weeds including dandelions, plantain, chick weed and clover.
STEP 6: Fungicide for brown patch – This fungus is a soil borne-organism which attack Grass during periods of high humidity and moderately high temperatures.
We will appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate our expertise.